Emergency Preparation & Safety Tips


When emergencies happen or the power goes out, being prepared can make a big difference. Using these tips is a step forward for preparation and safety in case of emergencies, such as power outages. These tips include making a plan with your family, signing up for our CPS Energy Alerts, how to stay safe, and much more. 

Be Prepared

  • Don’t wait for an emergency or power outage, make a family emergency plan now. If you have medical equipment that requires electricity or medicines that need refrigeration, check with your doctor when making your plan. You can find plan ideas at ready.gov/plan.
  • Create an emergency kit for your family. Be sure to include flashlights, water, and canned and dried foods that don’t require refrigeration in your emergency kit. Ready.gov/kit is a good source for emergency kit information and supply lists.

Controlled outages can occur when the demand for electricity in the state exceeds the supply generated. Read more about CPS Energy’s process when controlled outages are necessary:

Emergency Controlled Outages

Read ERCOT’s Trending Topic on why they may direct us to shed load or reduce the demand of our customers: 

ERCOT Load Shed Explained

  • Track statewide electricity demand at ERCOT.com and view daily peak demand forecast, current load, and available generation. Sign up for the ERCOT mobile app and follow ERCOT on X (formerly Twitter) (ERCOT_ISO) and Facebook (Electric Reliability Council of Texas).
  • Conserve energy if requested.
  • Locate your gas and water shutoff valves and know how to use them.
  • Fully charge all electronic devices and devices' battery chargers. Be sure you have a charger for your cell phone.
  • Avoid using a generator during power outages unless you are sure it was installed safely and correctly. Never use a generator, camp stove, charcoal grill, gasoline heater, or propane heater indoors. These items can start accidental fires, cause electric shock, and cause deadly carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • If using a generator, please visit our tips on Generator Safety
  • Review your property insurance and have insurance and other critical documents stored in a safe, accessible location.
  • Have account numbers and important contact information available.
  • Use the online CPS Energy Outage Center to track power outage details, report an outage, and view outage tips. It is located at cpsenergy.com/outagecenterYou can also report outages by calling 210-353-HELP (4357).

  • Monitor available communication channels for emergency communications.
  • Install working smoke alarms in every bedroom, outside each sleeping area, and on every level
  • Install carbon monoxide alarms in a central location outside sleeping areas
  • Test smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors monthly.  
  • Replace batteries in smoke alarms yearly on a routine schedule whether needed or not
  • Have your central air conditioning system inspected annually by a licensed professional
  • Keep a dry chemical fire extinguisher in the kitchen
  • Check your natural gas appliances - a yellow or orange flame may indicate a problem and should be checked by a qualified technician
  • Unplug unnecessary electric appliances and electronics. Use surge protectors to protect electronic equipment and small appliances that must remain plugged in.
  • If your power goes out, turn off your air conditioning unit. Once power is restored, wait a few minutes before restarting the air conditioner.
  • If your neighbors have power and you don’t, check your breakers.
  • After a power outage has been restored, wait a few minutes before using your large appliances.
  • Keep freezers and refrigerators closed when your power is out.
  • If you have multiple mobile phones in the household, keep one phone on for emergency updates and turn the others off to preserve battery life.
  • Refrigerated or frozen foods may not be safe to eat after the loss of power. Follow the preparation and safety steps here to keep your food safe.  
  • For more information, please visit Safety & Emergency Preparedness

Other Useful Information

  • Keep a flashlight and a battery-powered radio nearby
  • Report outages to (210) 353-4357 (HELP) or call toll-free at 1-800 870-1006 in rural areas; if you have a smart meter, there's no need to call because the meter will alert us about the outage
  • View our Power Outage page for more information related to outages in your area

  • If you or your family smell something similar to rotten eggs, you could have a natural gas leak
  • Do not use any electrical or battery-powered item, do not switch lights on or off, do not light a match, or use a cell phone - any of these items could send a spark igniting the gas
  • Leave your home immediately
  • Call 911 and CPS Energy at (210) 353-4357 (HELP)

  • View daily peak demand forecast, current load, and available generation at http://www.ercot.com.
  • Follow ERCOT on Twitter (@ERCOT_ISO) and Facebook (Electric Reliability Council of Texas).
  • Sign up for the ERCOT mobile app (available for download at the Apple App Store and Google Play).
  • Subscribe to the Emergency Alerts list at http://lists.ercot.com.