Residential Subdivision Development
A PDF version of the residential subdivision development application is available for download.
Be sure and enroll on the Construction & Renovation Web Portal to be able to apply for service and monitor your project throughout the steps below. Read More Here
Contact the Residential Development Department at [email protected] if you need assistance with any of the steps below.
Step-by-step for new residential subdivision developments
The steps below are for new residential subdivision developments. Once an individual home is ready for service, follow the steps at New Home Construction - Underground Service.
Download the detailed Subdivision Development Step-by-Step Process Document.

Ensure your location is within CPS Energy Service Boundaries.
Ensure you are within CPS Energy’s Electric Service Boundary Map and/or Gas Service Boundary Map. If your service is within the Downtown Network Service Boundary, please note your project is subject to CPS Energy’s Electric Service Standards Section 1100 – Service from Downtown Network System.
You can request a new address on the Construction & Renovation Web Portal. Read More Here

We offer a free OPTIONAL Utility Preliminary Plan Review (UPPR)
This OPTIONAL Utility Preliminary Plan Review, for qualifying projects, provides you with the opportunity to meet with CPS Energy staff to discuss your project. This optional meeting will assist you by identifying items that need to be addressed or modified prior to submitting a complete service application to CPS Energy for your project. We will help you understand CPS Energy Service Standards, environmental requirements, and required easements information for your project. In addition, we will also describe your construction options: CPS Energy Turnkey or Developer Install and CPS Energy will discuss working with other utilities, like San Antonio Water & Sewer.
Please make your request for a UPPR through our Construction & Renovation Web Portal and submit your site plan, conceptual elevations, photographs, survey, and estimated electric and gas loads. See the UPPR Memo and Form for qualifying criteria, information on the UPPR process and a pdf form for applying outside the portal.
If you would NOT like to request this optional UPPR meeting, please proceed to Step 3.

Complete a Residential Subdivision Development Application
Apply on the Construction & Renovation Web Portal. Read More Here
Or download and email your application:
Attach the below required documents to your project by selecting the Project from Home, then Attachments.
- Customer Environmental Requirements Checklist
- Electric/Gas Utility Site Plan – Signed & Sealed (PDF)
- Subdivision Plat (PDF)
- Subdivision Plat with Easements Identified (CAD) - Easements accommodate CPS Energy overhead or underground primary electric line extensions or gas main extensions. Residential Subdivision Development easements are typically dedicated by plat.
Streetlight Authorization Letter from Municipality (if applicable) or Customer. - For the City of San Antonio, a preliminarily approved utility plan with streetlight type and locations is acceptable to initiate design. If requested by Customer, letter is required to have # of lights, size of lights (100W, 250W, etc.), Underground or Overhead lights, billing information (i.e. TaxID #, customer billing information), along with a utility map showing locations of lights. An authorization letter is required to be submitted prior to release of contract and invoice.

Meet with CPS Energy at a Pre-Design Meeting
Once CPS Energy Customer Design and Delivery receives all required documents, your project will be assigned to a Residential Development Dept. Team member and a Pre-Design Meeting will be scheduled with you. In preparation for this Pre-Design meeting, CPS Energy will gather information and comments from internal departments.
During the Pre-Design Meeting, we will review your project with you and explain any steps required before the design of your project can begin. At this time, you will need to decide whether you would prefer to use the CPS Energy’s Turnkey option, or the developer install option for infrastructure installation. Please keep in mind that any proposed developer install company must be approved by CPS Energy
Revision to already provided documents maybe required.

CPS Energy designs your service infrastructure
Once CPS Energy has received all of your required project documents and a Pre-Design meeting is held to confirm infrastructure installation agreement, design of your project will begin. During this Design Phase, you should apply for all of your required permits, which can have a long lead time. CPS Energy will apply for permits for CPS Energy work. When the design is complete, you will be provided with your final designs, contract documents, and an invoice(s).

Apply for the necessary permit(s) in your city of municipality.
You will need to obtain all relevant environmental permits and, where required any city or county permits not obtained by CPS Energy. municipality, such as The City of San Antonio. For more information about City of San Antonio permitting and inspections, go to City of San Antonio – Permit, Inspection and Review. The Residential Development design and scheduling staff will take care of obtaining any county, city, and TXDOT permits required for CPS Energy crew construction.

Sign your contract and pay your invoice for CPS Energy work
CPS Energy encourages Developers to sign their contract and remit payment within 5 business days to avoid schedule delays.
Pay OnlineOr
Pay by mail:
CPS Energy
PO Box 2678
San Antonio, TX 78289-0001
Pay in-person by check at any of our Customer Service Centers
Pay electronically via Automated Clearing House (ACH)

Perform all required work and prepare your site for inspections.
Property Staking
In an effort to reduce conflicts with other infrastructure or fixtures, CPS Energy requires your engineer to stake designated pole locations, transformers, streetlights and easements per CPS Energy design prior to construction. If installing streetlights, the streetlight stakes will need to have the final grade mark on the physical street light stake.
CPS Energy Construction Standards
CPS Energy has adopted specific standards for the construction of electric or gas services within the CPS Energy Service Area:
- Electric Service Standards
- Gas Service Standards
- https://secure.cpsenergy.com/CorporateApps/CUReportsDisplayDbServlet?drawing=U-S-202
CPS Energy Site Ready Inspection Request
Once your site is ready for inspection ensure that the items in the Site Ready Inspection Checklist below are met and reach out to your CPS Energy point of contact to request a site inspection. A CPS Energy inspector will visit the project site to check for the items listed below. Any failures will be communicated back to you. A follow up site inspection can be requested once failures are addressed.
Site Ready Inspection Checklist
Developers are required to meet all the following conditions prior to the commencement of CPS Energy construction:
- The Developer must survey and complete all required staking.
- Riser locations should be cleared and have all-weather drivable accessibility.
- Basic grade should be within approximately 6” of final grade – excluding spoil piles (CPS Install only).
- No trees, brush, or other obstructions should be in CPS Energy easements/routes (CPS Install only).
- Street crossing sleeves (installed by site General Contractor) must be installed per CPS Energy standards (links above) and marked on each end of street (CPS Install only).
- Water and sewer should be installed to at least 80% complete (CPS Install only).
- Water and Sewer lines should not be in the CPS Energy’s easement until all trenching is complete.
- There should be no potential issues with notch-outs and bluffs.

Project Pre-Construction Meeting
Once your site inspection has passed your CPS Energy point of contact will typically schedule your Pre-Construction meeting within 5-10 business days.
CPS Energy recommends that you forward the Pre-Construction Meeting invite to any non-CPS Energy entities providing gas service to your project.

CPS Energy or Developer infrastructure installation
Turnkey Installations
CPS Energy resource installations typically start 2-4 weeks after Pre-Construction meeting is held.
Developer Installations
Approved Developer installation resources can pick up infrastructure materials once inspections are complete and the job is released to construction. Please note that developer installations will include the trenching & setting of necessary conduits and gas mains, including street crossings, and concrete pads for installation of pad mount transformers. Once completed, the setting of pad mount transformers, pulling of underground conductors, termination of electrical connections, and energization/gas tie in will be handled by CPS Energy crews.
Download the detailed Subdivision Development Step-by-Step Process Document.
Please give us website feedback to improve our site. Share your experience with us at Customer Feedback Survey, or email us at [email protected].
Thank you!
Helpful Links
All information, representations, links or other messages may be changed by CPS Energy at any time without prior notice or explanation to the user. In particular, CPS Energy is not obliged to remove any outdated information from its website or to expressly mark it as being outdated.