Contact CPS Energy Customer Design & Delivery at 210-353-4050 Monday - Friday 7:30am - 4pm or [email protected] if you need assistance with any of the steps below.
Download the detailed Commercial Renovation Step-by-Step Process Document.

Understand your location within CPS Energy Service Boundaries.
Ensure you are within CPS Energy’s Electric Service Boundary Map and/or Gas Service Boundary Map. If you service is within the Downtown Network Service Boundary, please note your project is subject to CPS Energy’s Electric Service Standards Section 1100 – Service from Downtown Network System.
*The following link will provide important addressing information that is needed before an application can be processed. Read More Here

Contact the appropriate group at CPS Energy.
For projects requiring service infrastructure relocation, removal, and/or new service, call CPS Energy’s Customer Engineering Department at 210-353-4050. CPS Energy will assign a Designer to your project and they will typically contact you within two business days to discuss your project. Your Designer will discuss what is required based on your project needs and the standard durations for design and construction, then request any necessary documents from you.
If your project is an Electric Remodel with existing power and your service(s) requires to be temporarily turned off while you perform work, contact CPS Energy’s Remodel Department at 210-353-4975 or [email protected]. These projects will not require the remaining steps below.

Provide CPS Energy required documents.
Provide all of the documents required after discussing your project with your CPS Energy Designer.
Texas state law requires all public, private, and charter schools to perform School Pipe Testing and provide appropriate documentation before CPS Energy can activate gas service. Also, the law requires that a leak test be completed every two years. Please go to School Pipe Testing for more information.

CPS Energy provides a job sketch with remodel instruction and an invoice for CPS Energy work.
- If an Overhead or Underground remodel does not require re-trenching, a Designer will create a work request and a map sketch with remodel instructions noted.
- If an Underground remodel requires re-trenching or a re-locate, a Designer will schedule a field site visit with you or your electrician to verify site conditions and route for a re-trench or re-locate. After the field site visit is completed, the Designer will create a work request and a map sketch with remodel instructions noted.
Once we gather all necessary information, your Designer will send an invoice for the cost of the work to be performed by CPS Energy.

Pay your invoice for CPS Energy work.
Pay your invoice within 5 business days to avoid an extension of the requested completion date. Invoices not paid within 90 calendar days will be voided. The invoice must be paid using one of the following options:
Pay OnlineOr
Pay by mail:
CPS Energy
PO Box 2678
San Antonio, TX 78289-0001
Pay in-person by check at any of our Customer Service Centers
Pay electronically via Automated Clearing House (ACH)

Apply for the necessary permit(s) in your city or municipality.
You will need to obtain all relevant permits and, where required, final electrical and/or gas inspection from your local city or municipality, such as the City of San Antonio. For more information about City of San Antonio permitting and inspections, go to City of San Antonio - Permit, Inspection and Review. CPS Energy has also worked with the City of San Antonio to create a Permits and Inspections Checklist for your assistance. If you are outsides San Antonio, contact your local municipality.

Perform all required work and prepare your site for inspections.
You will need to locate and mark your Right of Way and easements within your property per a recorded survey. CPS Energy will stake infrastructure at your project site. For overhead to underground service, you will need to furnish and install trench and conduit.
Follow the below checklist to ensure your site is ready for inspection.
- Install all equipment in compliance with CPS Energy Electric Service Standards and/or CPS Energy Gas Service Standards.
- If you are digging your trench, ensure it complies with Trench Design section of the document and ensure it’s inspected by CPS Energy before back-filling.
- Ensure the grade along the underground service route is within 6 inches of final grade.
- Securely mount electric meter loop and meter can on the structure’s wall.
- Stub gas structure pipe out 26 inches above final grade.
- If you are installing gas service, ensure your home interior lines and appliances are ready for either your city’s Gas Inspection or CPS Energy’s Gas Rough-in Inspection, depending on your location.
In addition to infrastructure preparation, ensure that you:
- Clear the service location of all water and drain lines, and underground facilities; including septic systems, culverts, irrigation systems, underground wiring, and other impediments.
- Clear all obstructions and/or debris from cable, gas, transformer, secondary enclosure, and meter location routes.
- Sign and return any required easements to CPS Energy.

Request your inspections.
CPS Energy Inspections
Call your CPS Energy Representative to let them know your site is ready for the applicable Site Inspection, Trench Inspection, and/or Gas Rough-in Inspection. Please provide 24 hours notice.
City or Municipality Inspections
To turn on your service after our infrastructure and meter installation, we require your city or municipality’s successful electric and/or gas inspection(s). We recommend you acquire these inspections as soon as possible. CPS Energy will still install your infrastructure and meters, but in a locked position until we receive the appropriate inspections. In some locations, the CPS Energy Meter Installer will perform this inspection.
Texas state law requires all public, private, and charter schools to perform School Pipe Testing and provide appropriate documentation before CPS Energy can activate gas service. Also, the law requires that a leak test be completed every two years. Please go to School Pipe Testing for more information.

CPS Energy and your city or municipality will perform their required inspections.
CPS Energy will perform your required inspection and if your project passes inspection, we will schedule your infrastructure installation and meter set.
If your site fails inspection, you will be notified by email with reason of turndown. Once repairs are made, call 210-353-4050 to schedule another Site-Ready inspection.

CPS Energy will install your infrastructure and meter(s), then turn on your service(s).
PLEASE NOTE: To avoid delays, please ensure CPS Energy crews can access your property to perform their work.
CPS Energy will dig your trench, install conduit, and backfill. Once underground service infrastructure is in place, and if CPS Energy has already received your electric and/or gas permit inspections, CPS Energy will set your meter(s) and activate your service(s).
- If electric permit inspections are required and not received by CPS Energy, the electric meter will be set and locked until we receive your permits inspections. Once received, CPS Energy will schedule a meter crew to activate your service.
- If gas permit inspections are required and not received, CPS Energy cannot set your gas meter. Once we receive your gas permit inspections, CPS Energy will schedule a meter crew to install your gas meter and activate your service.

If you have Temporary Service, call CPS Energy to remove your Temporary Service.
Call Customer Service at 210-353-3333 to have your Temporary Service removed.

If you had Temporary Service, CPS Energy sends your Temporary Service final bill.
CPS Energy will send your final Temporary Service bill and normal billing will begin. If you have not already, enroll in Manage My Account.
Download the detailed Commercial Renovation Step-by-Step Process Document.
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Thank you!
Helpful Links
Customer Engineering Contact Information
Customer Information Packet
Gas Meter Clearance Diagram
Electric Service Standards
Gas Service Standards
Distribution Electric Material Specifications Search
Construction Drawings Search
Gas Meter Installation Checklist
Gas Rough-In Inspection Checklist