CPS Energy Storm Related Actions
CPS Energy is Fighting for Its San Antonio Customers
CPS Energy continues to be a highly rated energy utility that prudently pays all its validated, lawful, and legitimate costs of operations and business. Our highest goal is to protect our customers from the financial impacts of the systemic failure that occurred during the February 2021 declared Texas weather disaster. We will tirelessly pursue all policy, regulatory, financial, and these legal actions to prevent the passing on of excessive, unlawful, and illegitimate charges to our customers and community.
- CPS Energy’s Petition, March 12, 2021: CPS Energy vs. Electric Reliability Council Of Texas (ERCOT), Bill Magness, Jeyant Tamby, Woody Rickerson, Mark Carpenter, Lori Cobos, Arthur D’Andrea, Keith Emery, Nick Fehrenbach, Kevin Gresham, Sam Harper, Bob Kahn, Shannon Mcclendon, and Julie Parsley
- CPS Energy’s Petition, March 19, 2021: CPS Energy vs. Houston Pipe Line Company, LP and Oasis Pipeline, LP1
- CPS Energy’s Petition, March 22, 2021: BP Energy Company
- CPS Energy’s Petition, March 22, 2021: Castleton Commodities Merchant Trading, L.P.
- CPS Energy’s Petition, March 22, 2021: Chevron Natural Gas, a division of Chevron USA, Inc.
- CPS Energy’s Petition, March 22, 2021: CIMA Energy, Ltd.
- CPS Energy’s Petition, March 22, 2021: EDF Trading North America, LLC
- CPS Energy’s Petition, March 23, 2021: Koch Energy Services, LLC
- CPS Energy’s Petition, March 22, 2021: Macquarie Energy, LLC
- CPS Energy’s Petition, March 23, 2021: Occidental Energy Marketing, Inc.
- CPS Energy’s Petition, March 23, 2021: Sequent Energy Management, L.P.
- CPS Energy’s Petition, March 22, 2021: Symmetry Energy Solutions, LLC
- CPS Energy’s Petition, March 22, 2021: Tenaska Marketing Ventures
- CPS Energy’s Petition, March 23, 2021: Twin Eagle Resource Management, LLC
- CPS Energy’s Petition, March 22, 2021: Upstream Energy Services LLC
- CPS Energy’s Petition, March 23, 2021: Vitol Inc.
- CPS Energy’s Petition, March 24, 2021: DCP Midstream Marketing, LLC
- CPS Energy’s Petition, March 26, 2021: Southwest Energy, L.P.
- CPS Energy's Petition, April 28, 2021 (Amended): Electric Reliability Council Of Texas (ERCOT), Bill Magness, Jeyant Tamby, Woody Rickerson, Mark Carpenter, Lori Cobos, Arthur D’Andrea, Keith Emery, Nick Fehrenbach, Kevin Gresham, Sam Harper, Bob Kahn, Shannon Mcclendon, and Julie Parsley
- CPS Energy’s Petition, September 22, 2021 (Amended): CPS Energy vs. Houston Pipe Line Company, LP and Oasis Pipeline, LP1