Eastside Switchyard Project
CPS Energy is proposing to construct a new 345/138-kV switching station in east Bexar County near an existing CPS Energy right-of-way. The CPS Energy-owned transmission lines in the existing right-of-way will connect to the new switching station. Additional property is required for the new switching station.
The new switchyard is necessary to support the accelerating growth with new generation resources in The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) system, planned retirement of generation in San Antonio, and increasing customer load growth in San Antonio. ERCOT’s Board of Directors endorsed the project as critical to the reliability of the ERCOT System on April 23, 2024.
You can reach out via phone, letter, or email:
CPS Energy
Oscar Luevanos
Project Manager II
Eastside Switchyard Project
Mail Code RT0801
500 McCullough Ave.
San Antonio, Texas 78215
(210) 353-6673
[email protected]