As a safety precaution for our customers and employees, our customer walk-in centers will be closed on Tuesday, January 21, 2025 due to inclement weather. Please note, customers can access account information 24/7 through Manage My Account (MMA).
Chavaneaux to Palo Alto Transmission Line Rebuild Project
The Chavaneaux to Palo Alto Transmission Line Rebuild Project involves replacing existing 138kV transmission (power) line structures between our Chavaneaux and Palo Alto Substations. The transmission line route is approximately 2 miles long and begins at the Chavaneaux Substation, near the intersection of Garnett Ave. and Dorsey Dr. The line proceeds south from the substation along our Right-of-Way toward Palo Alto, ending just north of Loop 410.
This project will improve the quality and safety of an aging transmission line and will support electric reliability in your neighborhood.
Construction is scheduled to begin January 17, 2023 and should be completed by May 5, 2023.
Our website will include regular updates on the project as the steps are completed.
You may call, write or email:
CPS Energy
Darcy Ralston, Project Manager
Chavaneaux to Palo Alto Transmission Line Rebuild Project
Mail Code RT0801
500 McCullough Ave.
San Antonio, Texas 78215
[email protected]