Community Investment Program

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Program Overview

Our Community Investment Program contributes to nonprofit organizations that operate within areas where we operate our business by making a positive impact through community engagement initiatives.

We invite a limited number of nonprofits to apply for sponsorships that align with our impact areas. We will not accept unsolicited sponsorship requests submitted outside of the invitation-only process.

Eligible Sponsorships are those that show an alignment to our five impact areas within our role in the community, advances our business interests and are consistent with our goals and strategic plan.


Impact Areas

Community and Civic Engagement

Programs that have team members serving on boards.

Programs aimed at improving customer relations, increased customer awareness and/or visibility of CPS Energy.

Economic and Business Development

Programs that deliver value to our community by strengthening and diversifying San Antonio’s economy through business recruitment, retention, and expansion; and/or

Programs that support innovation, job creation, or advance CPS Energy business objectives.

Education and Workforce Development

Education programs that promote math, science, engineering, and technology; improve workforce skills; or encourage individual development through scholarships, mentoring, and internships; and/or

Professional Memberships contributing to the development of our workforce.

Environmental Conservation and Stewardship

Programs to improve the quality of our environment; promote environmental education, conservation, and preservation; or support the development of cleaner sources of energy.

Safe & Efficient Use of Energy

Industry Memberships; and/or

Programs contributing to energy policy dialogue or engagement.


General Restrictions

We will not sponsor events or activities related to the following:

  • Any group not qualified as a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization under section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code.
  • Political parties, organizations or campaigns.
  • Religious, fraternal, social, or recreational activities.
  • Individuals or unincorporated groups or bodies.
  • Individual (K-12) schools or foundations.
  • School-affiliated group Sponsorships (such as for orchestras, bands, choirs, drama groups, class parties, or team projects); and/or
  • Individuals and groups seeking educational or travel grants for contests, pageants, trips, or conventions.
  • If you have additional questions, please contact [email protected].