Rooftop Solar Incentives

CPS Energy has allocated funds for solar rebates to support the adoption of solar for small businesses, schools, and non-profit organizations. The rebate incentive will be paid as follows:
Small businesses (system size under 100 kW AC), schools and non-profits:
- $0.60 per AC Watt for the first 25kW, $0.40 per AC Watt for kW over 25
- $0.10 per AC Watt premium for projects utilizing local modules
General incentive applies to qualifying commercial projects only. All commercial rebates are capped at $80,000 or 50% of the invoice cost, whichever is less. The rebate for registered non-local installers is reduced to 75% of the local installer rebate amount listed above. CPS Energy guidelines and rebate levels are subject to change without notice. CPS Energy reserves the right to refuse any application/request for incentive payment that does not meet CPS Energy Requirements. For additional information, please review our Solar Program Manual.