System Maintenance: On Sunday, March 30, 2025, from 1:00AM to 5:00AM, our EZ Pay credit card payment processing may not be available; however, you may make a payment by logging in to Manage My Account. If you experience any issues, you can report an outage online or by calling (210) 353-4357. Please note that access to bills in Manage My Account may also be limited during this maintenance window.

The City of San Antonio, acting by and through City Public Service Board (“CPS Energy”), is issuing this Request for Proposal (“RFP”) to solicit formal proposals from companies (each a “Respondent”) for the purchase of electric energy, electric capacity and related benefits (“Products”) from generation resources to support the FlexPOWER BundleSM which is the next step along our Flexible PathSM. The Flexible Path is our strategic approach to thoughtfully discover, explore and implement new power generation solutions over the next 20 years and beyond, transforming our generation fleet to lower and non-emitting resources.
FlexPOWER Bundle will replace a portion of our existing aging power generation capacity. The FlexPOWER Bundle has been broadly designed to add up to:
- 900 MW of solar resources,
- 50 MW of energy storage; and
- Up to 500 MW of All-source firming capacity.
The City of San Antonio, acting by and through City Public Service Board (“CPS Energy”), is issuing this Request for Proposals (“RFP”) to solicit formal proposals from companies (each a “Respondent”) for the purchase of electric energy, electric capacity and related benefits (“Products”) from generation resources to support the FlexPOWER Bundle which is the next step along our Flexible Path.
This procurement seeks both large and small options for solar, energy storage and firming capacity, with responses expected from large, well-known firms to local, small businesses. Additionally, community solar and storage are also welcome technologies, so everyone from large renewable providers to residential customers have an opportunity to participate – directly or indirectly.
Before going into the RFP evaluation process, we listed out criteria from a broad range of our stakeholders so multiple points of views and diverse objectives are recognized when selecting the right technologies – from cost to sustainability to community impact.
We’re setting precedence by selecting technologies that are not only feasible but also cutting edge, capable of performing at or better than current standards, provided by partners CPS Energy can trust, and with tangible benefits to the entire San Antonio community.
Please see the FlexPOWER Bundle RFP for specifics on the milestones.
More information: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for the FlexPOWER Bundle RFP
RFP Announcement
Posted 12/9/2020:
FlexPOWER Bundle Pre-Bid Presentation
CPS Energy has opened a web-based portal hosted on the PowerAdvocate sourcing platform (the “Solicitation Portal” or “Portal”). All information exchanged between the Participant and CPS Energy concerning the Solicitation must only be via the Portal from the time the Portal is open until it is closed by CPS Energy. Through the Portal, CPS Energy has the ability to observe information uploaded by the Participants prior to the deadline for Proposal submittal. The Portal allows a Participant to see only its own information and not the information of other Participants.
Also, through the Portal CPS Energy has the ability to communicate with the Participants. Other than written communication through the Portal, Participants are prohibited from communicating with CPS Energy employees, representatives, staff, or Board Members regarding the Solicitation during the period in which the Portal is open. Restricted communication includes, but is not limited to, “thank you” letters, phone calls, emails, and any contact that results in the direct or indirect discussion of the Solicitation and/or submitted proposals. Violation of this provision by Participants or their agents may lead to disqualification.
The button below goes to the Portal hosted by Power Advocate. Use this Portal to register to exchange information with CPS Energy regarding this Solicitation.
A Participant is responsible for ensuring it has registered for, and posts documents to, the correct portal hosted by PowerAdvocate. The Participant registering for access to the Portal must be the future Respondent and counterparty with which CPS Energy will engage and not consultants or attorneys for the Participant.
A Participant must not disclose its participation in this Solicitation (other than by attendance at any meeting held by CPS Energy with respect to the Solicitation) or collaborate on, or discuss with any other Participant or potential Participant bidding strategies or the substance of any Proposal(s), including without limitation the price or any other terms or conditions of any Proposal(s).
SAN ANTONIO KENS5: CPS Energy's Power (Video)
AMERICAN PUBLIC POWER ASSOCIATION: CPS Energy Launches RFP For Solar, Energy Storage And Firming Capacity
FORBES: San Antonio Utility Seeks Innovative Backup For 900 MW Of New Solar
SAN ANTONIO BUSINESS JOURNAL: CPS Energy Launches Bidding For Massive Solar Project
SOLAR INDUSTRY MAGAZINE: CPS Energy Releases Request for Information
SAN ANTONIO REPORT: CPS Energy Takes Next Step In Pursuing Clean Energy Generation And Storage Projects
SAN ANTONIO EXPRESS-NEWS: CPS Energy Accepting Bids For Major Clean Energy Push
Established in 1860, CPS Energy is the nation’s largest public power, natural gas, and electric company, providing safe, reliable, and competitively-priced service to 860,934 electric and 358,495 natural gas customers in San Antonio and portions of seven adjoining counties. Our customers’ combined energy bills rank among the lowest of the nation’s 20 largest cities – while generating $8 billion in revenue for the City of San Antonio for more than seven decades. As a trusted and strong community partner, we continuously focus on job creation, economic development, and educational investment. True to our People First philosophy, we are powered by our skilled workforce, whose commitment to the community is demonstrated through our employees’ volunteerism in giving back to our city and programs aimed at bringing value to our customers. CPS Energy is among the top public power wind energy buyers in the nation and number one in Texas for solar generation.
Learn more about CPS Energy: