Smart Meter Opt-Out Program (Paper Versions)
Smart Meter Opt-Out Program Enrollment
Under CPS Energy’s Smart Meter Opt-Out Program, single family residential customers are provided the option to exchange a smart meter with a meter that requires a field visit. To be considered for enrollment in the Smart Meter Opt-Out Program, please click on the button below and complete the form.
For questions about opting out, please email: [email protected] or call 210-353-4264.

Exchange Meter Fee(s) will not be charged if the Meter Opt-Out Program application form is submitted to CPS Energy prior to Smart Meter installation. The Monthly Meter Reading Fee will appear on Customer’s subsequent CPS Energy bill.
During routine maintenance of electric or natural gas meters within our service territory, when applicable, CPS Energy reserves the right, when necessary, to replace an existing meter with a smart meter or in the case of a natural gas meter, an interface metering unit. This includes but not limited to the following meters: off-site meter reads (OMR), analog meters, non-communicating meters or smart meters and all types of natural gas meters.