Por precaución de seguridad para nuestros clientes y empleados, los Centros de Servicio al Cliente y oficinas de CPS Energy tendrán un comienzo tarde el miércoles 22 de enero debido a las condiciones meteorológicas inclementes. Los Centros de Servicio al Cliente abren a las 10AM. Tenga en cuenta que los clientes pueden acceder a la información de su cuenta 24/7 a los servicios de Manage My Account (MMA).
Abundante y Razonable
Coal has been an important source of fuel for CPS Energy for decades. Our utility currently has two coal units that turn low-sulfur coal into electrical power for our customers.
Coal is 18.3% of our generating capacity.
At the J.K. Spruce 1 and 2, located on Calaveras Lake in south Bexar County, coal is used to produce more than 1,300 megawatts of affordable and reliable electrical power for Greater San Antonio.
In 2011, CPS Energy made a commitment to you to close our first and oldest coal plant, Deely, at the end of 2018. Before the clock struck midnight to ring in 2019, the plant officially shut down