CPS Energy’s offices, customer service centers, and the call center will be closed on Tuesday, December 31, 2024 and Wednesday, January 1, 2025 in observance of New Years. Offices will reopen on Thursday, January 2 at 7:45 AM. Customers can report natural gas or electric emergencies by calling 210-353-HELP (4357) or 1-800-870-1006 anytime. Online services may be conveniently accessed through Manage My Account.
Ranchtown to Talley Road Transmission Line Project
Open House Links
- Customer Open House Invite Letter (English)
- Customer Open House Invite Letter (Spanish)
- Project Brochure (English)
- Project Brochure (Spanish)
- Study Area Map
- Open House Display: Ranchtown to Talley
- FAQs (English)
- FAQs (Spanish)
- Questionnaire (English)
- Questionnaire (Spanish)
- Map of Ranchtown Substation - Talley Road Substation 138kV Transmission Line Project (PDF, 24MB)
- CCN Application Form
CCN Application Links
- Ranchtown to Talley Road Transmission Line Project CCN Application
- Environmental Analysis
- Appendix C - Figure 3-1 (Map, PDF, 79.4MB)
- Cost Estimates
- Ranchtown to Talley Road Need
- Directly Affected Landowner Map Overview
- Landowner Notice Letter (English)
- Carta de Notificación al Propietario
- Ranchtown to Talley Roads Segment Descriptions
- Ranchtown to Talley Road Notice Map
- PUC Guide for Landowner Affected by a New Electric Transmission Line Route (English)
- PUC Guide for Landowners Affected by a New Electric Transmission Line Route (Spanish)
- PUC Landowner Intervention Form
- PUC Landowner Protest Form
- Directly Affected Landowner List
- Public Official and Agency Notice Package
- Public Officials and Agency Notice List
- Newspaper Notice
- Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Notice Letter
The Ranchtown to Tallley Road Transmission Line Projects involves the proposed installation of a new 138 kilovolt (kV) transmission line. A significant portion of the project (10.8 miles) will involve installation of the new line on a vacant position on existing structures. A portion of the project (1.3 miles) will involve the rebuilding of existing single circuit transmission facilities for double circuit operation for the new line. In total, the project will consist of 12.1 miles of new transmission line connecting the existing Ranchtown and Talley Road substations.
The new transmission line is necessary to support the accelerating growth in San Antonio. It will also increase the reliability of Texas’ electric grid by adding another path for electric transmission.
Update 11-01-2024: CPS Energy has filed its CCN Application for the Ranchtown to Talley Road Transmission Line Project with the Public Utility Commission of Texas under docket number 57206. The filed application can be found on the PUC Interchange website here. Digital copies of the complete application and attachments are available on this website and the PUC Interchange. A physical copy of the documents is available for public viewing at:
CPS Energy, 500 McCullough, San Antonio, TX 78215
Helotes City Hall, 12951 Bandera Rd, Helotes, Texas 78023
Notice packages (Attachment 6) for this project have been mailed out via first class mail to all directly affected Landowners. If you wish to participate in this proceeding by becoming an intervenor, the deadline for intervention in the proceeding is December 2, 2024, and the PUC should receive an electronic filing or letter from you requesting intervention by that date. More information about the PUC’s filing process can be obtained at the PUC’s website here. Instructions for using the PUC Filer are available here. For assistance with an electronic filing, please contact the PUC’s Help Desk at (512) 936-7100 or [email protected].
Update: 10-15-2024: CPS Energy has filed for a docket number with the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUC). The docket number is 57206 and can be found on the PUC Interchange website here.
You may call, write, or email:
CPS Energy
Antonio DeMendonca,
S&T Regulatory Support Project Manager
Ranchtown to Talley Road Transmission Line Project
Mail Code RT0801
500 McCullough Ave.
San Antonio, Texas 78215
(210) 353-6673
[email protected]